Friday, May 29, 2009
Letter to the editor: "Church A Beacon in Tough Times"
Monday, May 25, 2009
Grace Lutheran, Toledo
One from outside NWO

Karl Josker-Lofty Photos (interiors)
Karl Josker-The Churches of Buffalo (exteriors)
My Photobucket shots of the exterior
Thursday, May 21, 2009
St. Lucas Lutheran, Toledo

There will be MUCH more of this church, one of the most beautiful in the city of Toledo, at a later date; after I get more of a chance to peruse their wonderfully extensive archive collection.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
An unexpected delight
Even on a dreary, rainy day, colors just pour in through those beautiful old windows …
The mission of Salem Lutheran, Toledo
Dear God help them, they're doing Christ's work with His own hands ...
Friday, May 15, 2009
St. John's, Toledo - as it was 100 years ago

The church underwent a major renovation at around the time of their 75th anniversary. I don't know at what point the canopy over the pulpit was removed and the murals on the ceiling sadly covered over ... but the quatrefoil windows were replaced with the drop-dead gorgeous imported German stained-glass windows that the church boasts to this day; as well as the wonderful angel lectern, and an altar that is larger than the one in this photo.
The parish house still stands and is used for the church offices (although the house to the left is long gone. That's part of the parking lot now).
This school building also still stands, with the doorway facing directly toward the apse of the church. However, it no longer looks like this. It hasn't been used as a school since the 1920's. Most of the windows are bricked up or covered with heavy steel shades; the doors are solid grey steel. I didn't know at the time whether or not they still used the building, but as it turns out, they very much DO use it as a fellowship hall. There's a completely furnished modern kitchen in there. The upstairs is now used for storage, but the frames that once held blackboards are still on the walls! The shades are to protect the windows (and one look at the freight door on the side of the building tells you why. It's riddled with bullet holes. Geez...)
Thanks to Kevin Hammer for the photos.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bethany Lutheran, Toledo - Home Sweet Home
Bethany English Evangelical Lutheran Church, a mission of Glenwood Lutheran, was founded under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Alvin E. Bell, pastor of Glenwood. On Sunday, April 8, 1917, the congregation came into existence with 20 charter members, in the home of Mr. & Mrs. M.E. Wood on Fairfax. Descendants of the Wood family are still members of Bethany. The first church was a portable frame building that sat on Marne in the area where the parking lot now is.